Research Projects at the Institute

Branches of research at the Institute

Research in economic geography

The aim of economic geography research in Hanover is to investigate regional economic structural change in countries at different stages of development. The regions under investigation are globally distributed, with regional focal points in Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and East Asia. The results of previous research projects, which have been funded by the DFG, GIZ, federal ministries, the Lower Saxony MWK or the Volkswagen Foundation, for example, are available in the form of numerous dissertations and articles in scientific journals. The work is theory-based, empirical and leads to recommendations for economic and regional policy action.

Research in cultural and social geography

The research foci of cultural and social geography aim at the international visibility of theoretical and empirical findings. The lecture and publication activities of the members of the department address, among other things, questions on social geographies of urban coexistence and research on prejudice, encounter and cohesion, geographies of memory and memory politics, financialisation in the Global South, lifeworlds in suburban spaces, social geographic infrastructure research and attitudes and discourses on global (climate) change and "climate migration".

The term "year" refers to the start year of the research project in case of "Current research projects" and to the time of completion in case of "Completed research projects". For "Current research projects" the most recent project appears at the top, for "Completed research projects" the most recently completed project appears at the top.

Current Research Projects

Basic research

Applied research

  • Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) – Section Hannover Part 2
    Led by: Prof. Dr. Peter Dirksmeier
    Team: Dr. Angelina Göb; Dr. Jessica Baier
    Year: 2024
    Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    Duration: 2024 – 2027; 2027 – 2029
  • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) - Country report Germany
    Led by: Dr. Florian Täube (RKW), Prof. Dr. Christian Hundt
    Team: Prof. Dr. Rolf Sternberg (IWKG), Dr. Florian Täube, Dr. Matthias Wallisch, Armin Baharian, Dr. Natalia Gorynia-Pfeffer (RKW), Dr. Christian Bergholz (Thünen-Institut)
    Year: 2024
    Funding: (für 2024-2026) Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (über RKW Kompetenzzentrum, Eschborn)
    Duration: 1999 ff

Completed Research Projects

Basic research

Applied research