Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography Research Research projects
Localised Value Systems in Regional Clusters of Production in Optical Technologies in Germany

Localised Value Systems in Regional Clusters of Production in Optical Technologies in Germany

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Ludwig Schätzl, Dr. Matthias Kiese
Team:  Esther Schricke
Year:  2007
Funding:  German Research Foundation (DFG)
Duration:  2005 - 2007
Is Finished:  yes

This DFG-funded project aims at identifying to what extend the degree of localisation of knowledge-based value systems influences the competitiveness and dynamics of regional clusters of production. Based on three regional ‘networks of competence’ in optical technologies in Bavaria, Thuringia, and the South-East of Lower Saxony, the project identifies cluster elements and delineates clusters both technologically and spatially. The second step analyses the value systems themselves, using focal firms at the core of their clusters as a starting point. The research goal is to find out to what extent these value systems are localised, which factors influence the degree of localisation and how that degree impacts on the competitiveness of cluster firms and, consequently, of the regional cluster altogether. Evaluating the regional clusters from a comparative perspective allows us to derive recommendations to guide cluster-oriented regional economic development and innovation policies.



  • Esther Schricke (2007): Lokalisierungsmuster und Entwicklungsdynamik von Clustern der Optischen Technologien in Deutschland. Untersucht am Beispiel von Clusterstrukturen in Thüringen, Bayern und Niedersachsen. Berlin: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.


Presentations to Scientific Audiences:

  • Schricke, E.; Valentinelli, N: Unternehmensgründungen und lokalisierte Wertschöpfungssysteme in regionalen Produktionsclustern der Optischen Technologien in Deutschland. Ringvorlesung: Cluster und Regionalentwicklung, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeographie, Uni Hannover am 04.11.2004. [Download 400 KB]