Presentations Lukas Häfner


  • Kagel, A.-S.; Haefner, L. (2024): Digitalization in the Periphery - A Promising Opportunity for Economic Renewal? 7th Geography of Innovation Conference. Manchester, 11.01.2024.
  • Haefner, L. (2023): Firms’ access to external knowledge for digitalization: Identifying types of networks in diverse rural and urban regions. IIDEOS Colloquium, Marburg, 20.02.2023.
  • Haefner, L. (2023): Rural companies and the development of digital solutions: Rural digital transformations on their way? 3rd European Rural Geographies Conference, Groningen, 29.06.2023.
  • Haefner, L. (2022): Regional digital competences and their role in shaping the economic implications of digitalization. 61st ERSA Congress. Pécs (Ungarn), 24.08.2022.
  • Haefner, L.: (2022): Vergrößert oder verkleinert Digitalisierung die Stadt-Land-Unterschiede? Dritter bundesweiter Digitaltag. Hannover, 24.06.2022.
  • Häfner, L.: (2021): Internetversorgung, Digitalisierung und die Gleichwertigkeit der Lebensverhältnisse. November der Wissenschaft, Hannover, 05.11.2021.
  • Häfner, L.: (2021): Digitalization and interregional Inequality. ZDIN Zukunftslabor Gesellschaft und Arbeit Autumn School, Hannover, 21.10.2021.
  • Häfner, L. (2020): Digitalisation, spatial (in-)equality and innovation-based regional development: state of the art and research agenda. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 31.01.2020.
  • Häfner, L. (2020): Digitalisation, spatial (in-)equality and innovation-based regional development: state of the art and research agenda. IIDEOS Colloquium, Hannover, 24.01.2020.