Kagel, A.-S.; Haefner, L.
Digitalization in the Periphery - A Promising Opportunity for Economic Renewal? 7th Geography of Innovation Conference. Manchester, 11.01.2024.
Haefner, L.
Firms’ access to external knowledge for digitalization: Identifying types of networks in diverse rural and urban regions. IIDEOS Colloquium, Marburg, 20.02.2023.
Haefner, L.
Rural companies and the development of digital solutions: Rural digital transformations on their way? 3rd European Rural Geographies Conference, Groningen, 29.06.2023.
Haefner, L.
Regional digital competences and their role in shaping the economic implications of digitalization. 61st ERSA Congress. Pécs (Ungarn), 24.08.2022.
Haefner, L.:
Vergrößert oder verkleinert Digitalisierung die Stadt-Land-Unterschiede? Dritter bundesweiter Digitaltag. Hannover, 24.06.2022.
Häfner, L.:
Internetversorgung, Digitalisierung und die Gleichwertigkeit der Lebensverhältnisse. November der Wissenschaft, Hannover, 05.11.2021.
Häfner, L.:
Digitalization and interregional Inequality. ZDIN Zukunftslabor Gesellschaft und Arbeit Autumn School, Hannover, 21.10.2021.
Häfner, L.
Digitalisation, spatial (in-)equality and innovation-based regional development: state of the art and research agenda. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 31.01.2020.
Häfner, L.
Digitalisation, spatial (in-)equality and innovation-based regional development: state of the art and research agenda. IIDEOS Colloquium, Hannover, 24.01.2020.