Presentations Louis Knüpling


  • Knüpling, L.; Sternberg, R.; Otto, A. (2024): Migration of the highly-skilled: Rural areas as winners of COVID19, digitalization and remote working? 6th workshop of the Young Economic Geographers Network (YEGN). Umea (Schweden) 4.6.2024.
  • Knüpling, L.; Sternberg, R.; Otto, A. (2024): Migration of the Highly Qualified: Positive Effects for Rural Areas from Digitalization, Working from Home and COVID19? 7th Geography of Innovation Conference, University of Manchester. Manchester/UK, 12.1.2024.
  • Sternberg, R.; Knüpling, L.; Otto, A.: (2023): Rural areas as winners of the COVID19 pandemic? Digitalisation, working-from-home and the internal migration of the highly qualified. Global Crises, Mega Trends and Regional Development, St Catharine’s College. Cambridge/UK, 12.7.2023.
  • Sternberg, R.; Knüpling, L.; Otto, A. (2023): Binnenmigration von Hochqualifizierten: Positive Effekte für ländliche Räume durch Digitalisierung, Home‐Office und COVID19?. 16. Rauischholzhausener Symposium zur Wirtschaftsgeographie. Rauischholzhausen 27.-29.4. 2023.
  • Sternberg, R.; Knüpling, L. (2022): On the spatiality of digitalization: Migration of the highly-skilled and interregional disparities. 61st ERSA Conference. Pécs (Ungarn), 24.8.2022.
  • Sternberg, R.; Knüpling, L. (2022): High-speed internet vs. locational preferences of the highly-skilled: Will improved digital infrastructure lead to a decrease of economic disparities between urban and rural areas? 6th Geography of Innovation Conference, Bocconi University. Mailand (Italien), 6.7.2022.
  • Knuepling, L. (2022): Complementarity, similarity, and locational relatedness in regional technological diversification. 6th Geography of Innovation Conference. Mailand (Italien), 05.07.2022.
  • Knuepling, L. (2022): The role of external knowledge and collaboration for regional technological change. 6th Global Conference in Economic Geography (GCEG). Dublin (Irland), 07.06.2022.
  • Knüpling, L. (2022): The role of digitization and regional conditions for digitization in firm responses to the Corona pandemic. 5th workshop of the Young Economic Geographers Network (YEGN) Cork (Irland), 5.6.2022.
  • Knuepling, L. (2022): The contribution of university research to regional and global technological change. IIDEOS-Kolloquium. Digital 17.02.2022.
  • Sternberg, R.; Knüpling, L. (2022): High-speed internet vs. locational preferences of the highly-skilled: Will improved digital infrastructure lead to a decrease of economic disparities between urban and rural areas? Online Workshop on „Regional Disparities and the COVID-19 Pandemic”. ZEW Leibniz Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung und Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography, Leibniz University Hannover , 14.02.2022.
  • Knuepling, L. (2022): Complementarity, Knowledge Similarity, and Locational Relatedness in Regional Technological Diversification. SEG Winter Workshop in the Geography of Innovation. Online 27.01.2022.
  • Knuepling, L. (2021): Identifying Radical Innovations with a New Measure of Technological Change. Workshop: Advancing Indicators of Regional Structural Change. Jena 17.03.2021.
  • Knüpling, L. (2020): Knowledge Spaces and the Measurement of Technological Relationship. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, Stavanger, 30.01.2020.
  • Knüpling, L. (2020): Knowledge Spaces and the Measurement of Technological Relationship. IIDEOS Colloquium, Hannover, 24.01.2020.