List of Publications Elena Hubner
SSCI or SCI journals SSCI or SCI journals (SSCI/SCI-ranked journal according to InCites database)
(2023): Geography of placemories: deciphering spatialised memories. cultural geographies 30(1), 103-121.
DOI: 10.1177/14744740221123564
German Geography journals approved by VGDH (7/2010) except articles in SSCI or SCI journals
(2023): Was sind kulturelle Gedächtnisräume?–Erinnern, Raum und das kulturelle Gedächtnis nach Aleida und Jan Assmann. Geographica Helvetica, 78(1), 143-155.
DOI: 10.5194/gh-78-143-2023
Non-German articles in academic journals not included in the SSCI/SCI
(2021): #Bushfiresaustralia: Instagramming climate futures. Lo Squaderno 58, 27-30. Online:
Other publications (working papers, newspaper articles, conference proceedings, expertise)
(2018): Die Altstadtfreunde Nürnberg e.V. Selektives Erinnern in der Altstadt Nürnbergs. Mitteilungen der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 63/64, S. 13-24.