Elena Hubner defended her dissertation "Erinnernde Geographien - Altstädte als Erinnerungsort" (Remembering Geographies - Old Towns as Places of Memory), in which she explored the question of how places of memory are produced and function. Chair of the examination committee was Prof. Dr. Nadja Kabisch. Further examiners were Prof. Dr. Peter Dirksmeier and Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dietrich Sahr from the Departamento de Geografia of the Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) in Curitiba (Brazil), who was connected online.
Julian Barnikol defended his dissertation "Conditions of implementation for frugality in engineering and innovations processes". The thesis focused on the question of the conditions under which environmentally friendly and affordable products can be created. The examination committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Nadja Kabisch and included Prof. Dr. Ingo Liefner and Prof. Baklrishna Rao, PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (Chennai).