Vorträge Dr. Lennart Schott

  • Schott, L. (2024): Collaboration in Global Standard Setting Organizations: Is the Standardization Gap Narrowing After Technological Shifts? 7th Geography of Innovation Conference, University of Manchester. Manchester (UK), 10.01.2024.
  • Schott, L. (2023): Window of opportunity for latecomer firms in standardization? Changing patterns of collaboration in the wake of generational technology shifts. Seminar in Economic Geography (Utrecht University). Utrecht, 11.10.2023.
  • Schott, L. (2023): Windows of opportunity? The impact of technological shifts on access to standardization networks. 16. Rauischholzhausener Symposium zur Wirtschaftsgeographie, 27-29. April 2023, Rauischholzhausen, Germany.
  • Schott, L. (2023): China in International Telecommunications Standardization – a Quest to Catch-up. Technology, Innovation & Society Seminar (Eindhoven University of Technology - TU/e). Eindhoven, 09.02.2023.
  • Schott, L. (2022): Chinese Latecomers in International ICT Standardization. 6th Global Conference on Economic Geography. Dublin, 09.06.2022.
  • Schott, L. (2022): Chinese Latecomers in International ICT Standardization. Second Annual Empirical Research Conference on Standardization. Northwestern University, Chicago (USA) - 05.05.2022.
  • Schott, L. (2021): Chinese Latecomers in International ICT Standardization. Arbeitskreis Industriegeographie 2021. Online - 25.11.2021.
  • Schott, L. (2021): Latecomers in International ICT Standardization - How Origin and Experience Impact the Acceptance of Technological Contributions. 25th EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference / 11th International Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology. Online/Aachen 07.09.2021.
  • Schott, L. (2021): Latecomers in International ICT Standardization - How Origin and Experience Impact the Acceptance of Technological Contributions. Regions in Recovery Global E-Festival. Online 10.06.2021.