Nolte, K.; Roggemann, H.
Informationsprobleme und Verbraucherrecht bei der nachhaltigen Geldanlage. Abschlussworkshop zum Projekt Nachhaltigkeitspräferenzen von Kleinanleger:innen in der Anlageberatung, Hannover, 20.09.2024
Nolte, K.
Doomed to fail? Why some land-based investment projects fail and others succeed. Global Land Programme 4th Open Science Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, 25.04.2019.
Nolte, K.
Doomed to fail? Why some land-based investment projects fail and others succeed. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington D.C., 27.3.2019.
Nolte, K.
Failed large-scale land investments: Determinants and implications. Conference: Africa and Europe Moving Forward: Evidence-based Solutions for African Development. Leuphana University of Lüneburg, 25.1.2019.
Nolte, K.
Large-scale land acquisitions in the Global South. A global phenomenon with local-level repercussions. CRC Lecture Series Future Rural Africa, University of Bonn, 17.12.2018.
Nolte, K.
Land use competition in Sub-Saharan Africa’s rural areas. Workshop Natural Resources in the MENA region, GIGA Hamburg, 16.11.2018.
Nolte, K.
Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on common-pool resources: Evidence from the Land Matrix. 4th Annual FLARE meeting, Copenhagen, 19.10.2018.
Nolte, K.
Large-Scale Farms and Smallholders: Evidence from Zambia, Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop on Environmental Governance, Ann Arbor, MI USA, April 23, 2018.
Liao, C.; Nolte, K.; Lay, J.; Althoff, C.; Brown, D.; Agrawal, A.
Anticipating Carbon Emission and Its Mitigation in the Global Land Rush. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington D.C., 21.3.2018.
Nolte, K.
Labour Market Effects of Large - Scale Agricultural Investment: Conceptual Considerations and Estimated Employment Effects. 3rd Annual FLARE Meeting. 30 September 2017. Stockholm.
Nolte, K.
Input to the Session „Food Security“ at the G7 Think Tank Summit „G7 and Africa“, Rome, 5.5.2017.
Nolte, K.
Commercial Farms in Zambia and the Relationship with Smallholder Farms
Global Land Project 3rd Open Science Meeting. 27.10.2016, Beijing, China.
Nolte, K.
Labour Market Effects of Large-Scale Agricultural Investment – Conceptual Considerations and Estimated Employment Effects. Workshop on Large-Scale Land Transactions. 21.04.2016, Ann Arbor, USA.
Nolte, K.
Großflächiger Agrarerwerb in Entwicklungsländern. Ein globales Phänomen mit Relevanz auf lokaler Ebene. Lecture series "Landwirtschaft und Ernährung". 28.01.2016, Hamburg.
Nolte, K.
Commercial farms and smallholders in Zambia: competition, spillovers or peaceful coexistence? Interdisciplinary Workshop "Large-Scale Land Acquisitions between Resource Conflicts and Sustainable Rural Development". Freiburg, 17.11.2015.
Nolte, K.
The Land Matrix: Key-Features, Limits and Applicability of a Comprehensive Database. Global Land Forum 2015. Dakar, 23.05.2015.
Nolte, K.
The relationship between foreign large-scale land acquisitions in developing countries and agricultural foreign direct investment
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington D.C., 24.03.2015.
Nolte, K.; Ostermeier, M.
The Land Matrix: Challenges of tracking land acquisitions. Workshop „The Way ahead for Zambian agriculture: What role for foreign and local investments?“, Lusaka, 17.9.2014.
Nolte, K.
Input to panel discussion "Land Grabbing" eine transregionale Perspektive, Berlin, 27.06.2014.
Nolte, K.
Land Grabs or Simply Investments? Determinants of Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Developing Countries. IAMO Forum. Halle, 25.06.2014.
Nolte, K.
Land grabs or simply investments? Determinants of foreign large scale land acquisitions in developing countries. CSAE Conference 2014: Economic Development in Africa. Oxford, 25.03.2014.
Nolte, K.
Large-Scale Agricultural Investments under Poor Land Governance in Zambia. European Conference on African Studies 2013. Lissabon, 27.06.2013.
Nolte, K.
Inclusion of local actors in decision-making processes in Mali: Spotlight on three cases of large-scale land acquisitions in the Office du Niger region. Law and Development Conference 2013. Kyoto, 31.05.2013.
Nolte, K.
Inclusion of Local Actors in Decision-Making Processes in Mali: Spotlight on Three Cases of Large-scale Land Acquisitions in the Office du Niger Region. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington, 10.04.2013.
Nolte, K.
The state of large-scale Land acquisitions in the world: findings from the Land Matrix. PEGNet Conference 2012: How to make African Economic Lions: Tapping Africa´s Growth and Poverty Reduction Potentials. Dakar, 06.09.2012.
Nolte, K.
Involvement of the local population in large-scale land acquisition projects – insights from Mali. International Geographical Congress. Köln, 27.08.2012.
Nolte, K.
Input to panel discussion Landraub oder Agrarinvestitionen: Großflächige Agrarprojekte in Entwicklungsländern, GIGA Forum, Hamburg, 23.5.2012.
Nolte, K.
Large-scale agricultural investments under poor land governance: Actors & institutions in Zambia. Conference on Land and Poverty. April, 24.04.2012.
Nolte, K.
Land under pressure - The state of large-scale land acquisitions in the World. Planet under Pressure Conference. London, 28.03.2012.