Vorträge J.-Prof. Dr. Kerstin Nolte

  • Nolte, K.; Roggemann, H. (2024): Informationsprobleme und Verbraucherrecht bei der nachhaltigen Geldanlage. Abschlussworkshop zum Projekt Nachhaltigkeitspräferenzen von Kleinanleger:innen in der Anlageberatung, Hannover, 20.09.2024
  • Nolte, K. (2019): Doomed to fail? Why some land-based investment projects fail and others succeed. Global Land Programme 4th Open Science Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, 25.04.2019.
  • Nolte, K. (2019): Doomed to fail? Why some land-based investment projects fail and others succeed. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington D.C., 27.3.2019.
  • Nolte, K. (2019): Failed large-scale land investments: Determinants and implications. Conference: Af­ri­ca and Eu­ro­pe Mo­ving For­ward: Evi­dence-ba­sed So­lu­ti­ons for Af­ri­can De­ve­lop­ment. Leuphana University of Lüneburg, 25.1.2019.
  • Nolte, K. (2018): Large-scale land acquisitions in the Global South. A global phenomenon with local-level repercussions. CRC Lecture Series Future Rural Africa, University of Bonn, 17.12.2018.
  • Nolte, K. (2018): Land use competition in Sub-Saharan Africa’s rural areas. Workshop Natural Resources in the MENA region, GIGA Hamburg, 16.11.2018.
  • Nolte, K. (2018): Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on common-pool resources: Evidence from the Land Matrix. 4th Annual FLARE meeting, Copenhagen, 19.10.2018.
  • Nolte, K. (2018): Large-Scale Farms and Smallholders: Evidence from Zambia, Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop on Environmental Governance, Ann Arbor, MI USA, April 23, 2018.
  • Liao, C.; Nolte, K.; Lay, J.; Althoff, C.; Brown, D.; Agrawal, A. (2018): Anticipating Carbon Emission and Its Mitigation in the Global Land Rush. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington D.C., 21.3.2018.
  • Nolte, K. (2017): Labour Market Effects of Large - Scale Agricultural Investment: Conceptual Considerations and Estimated Employment Effects. 3rd Annual FLARE Meeting. 30 September 2017. Stockholm.
  • Nolte, K. (2017): Input to the Session „Food Security“ at the G7 Think Tank Summit „G7 and Africa“, Rome, 5.5.2017.
  • Nolte, K. (2016): Commercial Farms in Zambia and the Relationship with Smallholder Farms Global Land Project 3rd Open Science Meeting. 27.10.2016, Beijing, China.
  • Nolte, K. (2016): Labour Market Effects of Large-Scale Agricultural Investment – Conceptual Considerations and Estimated Employment Effects. Workshop on Large-Scale Land Transactions. 21.04.2016, Ann Arbor, USA.
  • Nolte, K. (2016): Großflächiger Agrarerwerb in Entwicklungsländern. Ein globales Phänomen mit Relevanz auf lokaler Ebene. Lecture series "Landwirtschaft und Ernährung". 28.01.2016, Hamburg.
  • Nolte, K. (2015): Commercial farms and smallholders in Zambia: competition, spillovers or peaceful coexistence? Interdisciplinary Workshop "Large-Scale Land Acquisitions between Resource Conflicts and Sustainable Rural Development". Freiburg, 17.11.2015.
  • Nolte, K. (2015): The Land Matrix: Key-Features, Limits and Applicability of a Comprehensive Database. Global Land Forum 2015. Dakar, 23.05.2015.
  • Nolte, K. (2015): The relationship between foreign large-scale land acquisitions in developing countries and agricultural foreign direct investment Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington D.C., 24.03.2015.
  • Nolte, K.; Ostermeier, M. (2014): The Land Matrix: Challenges of tracking land acquisitions. Workshop „The Way ahead for Zambian agriculture: What role for foreign and local investments?“, Lusaka, 17.9.2014.
  • Nolte, K. (2014): Input to panel discussion "Land Grabbing" eine transregionale Perspektive, Berlin, 27.06.2014.
  • Nolte, K. (2014): Land Grabs or Simply Investments? Determinants of Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Developing Countries. IAMO Forum. Halle, 25.06.2014.
  • Nolte, K. (2014): Land grabs or simply investments? Determinants of foreign large scale land acquisitions in developing countries. CSAE Conference 2014: Economic Development in Africa. Oxford, 25.03.2014.
  • Nolte, K. (2013): Large-Scale Agricultural Investments under Poor Land Governance in Zambia. European Conference on African Studies 2013. Lissabon, 27.06.2013.
  • Nolte, K. (2013): Inclusion of local actors in decision-making processes in Mali: Spotlight on three cases of large-scale land acquisitions in the Office du Niger region. Law and Development Conference 2013. Kyoto, 31.05.2013.
  • Nolte, K. (2013): Inclusion of Local Actors in Decision-Making Processes in Mali: Spotlight on Three Cases of Large-scale Land Acquisitions in the Office du Niger Region. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. Washington, 10.04.2013.
  • Nolte, K. (2012): The state of large-scale Land acquisitions in the world: findings from the Land Matrix. PEGNet Conference 2012: How to make African Economic Lions: Tapping Africa´s Growth and Poverty Reduction Potentials. Dakar, 06.09.2012.
  • Nolte, K. (2012): Involvement of the local population in large-scale land acquisition projects – insights from Mali. International Geographical Congress. Köln, 27.08.2012.
  • Nolte, K. (2012): Input to panel discussion Landraub oder Agrarinvestitionen: Großflächige Agrarprojekte in Entwicklungsländern, GIGA Forum, Hamburg, 23.5.2012.
  • Nolte, K. (2012): Large-scale agricultural investments under poor land governance: Actors & institutions in Zambia. Conference on Land and Poverty. April, 24.04.2012.
  • Nolte, K. (2012): Land under pressure - The state of large-scale land acquisitions in the World. Planet under Pressure Conference. London, 28.03.2012.