Dr. Chun Yang, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Programm und Ablauf des Seminars
08. - 12.01.2018 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr
- Session (08. Januar 2018):
Regional Development in the Global South in the Globalizing World: Perspectives from Economic Geography- Boschama, R. and Martin, R. (2010): The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography. Edward Elgar.
- Henderson, J., Dicken, P., Hess, M., Coe, N., & Yeung, H. W. (2002): Global production networks and the analysis of economic development. Review of International Political Economy, 9 (3): 436-464.
- Coe, N. M. and Yeung, H. W-C. (2015): Global Production Networks Theorizing Economic Development in an Interconnected World. Oxford University Press.
- Gereffi, G. (2014): Global Value Chains in a Post-Washington Consensus World. Review of International Political Economy, 21 (1): 9-37.
- Pike, A., Rodríguez-Pose, A. and Tomaney, J. (2011): The Hanbook of Local and Regional Development. Routledge.
- Session (09. Januar 2018):
Changing Dynamics and Transformation of Regional Development in China- Wei, Y. H. D. (2000): Regional Development in China: States, Globalization, and Inequality. New York and London: Routledge.
- Liu, Y. and Yang, C. (2014): Strategic Coupling of Local Firms in Global Production Networks: The Rise of the Home Appliance Industry in Shunde, China. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 54 (4): 444-463.
- Sit, V. and Yang, C. (1997): Foreign-investment-induced Exo-urbanization in the Pearl River Delta, China. Urban Studies, 34 (4): 647-678.
- Yang, C. (2014): Market Rebalancing of Global Production Networks in the Post-Washington Consensus Globalizing Era: Transformation of Export-oriented Development in China. Review of International Political Economy, 21(1): 130-156.
- Yang, C. (2007): Divergent Hybrid Capitalisms in China: Hong Kong and Taiwanese Electronics Clusters in Dongguan. Economic Geography, 83(4): 395-420.
- Session (10. Januar 2018):
Industrial Restructuring and Transformation of the “World Factory”- Yang, C. (2017): The Rise of Strategic Partner Firms and Reconfiguration of Personal Computer Production Networks in China: Insights from the Emerging Laptop Cluster in Chongqing. Geoforum, 84: 21-31.
- Yang, C. (2013): From Strategic Coupling to Recoupling and Decoupling: Restructuring of Global Production Networks and Regional Evolution in China. European Planning Studies, 21(7): 1046-1063.
- Yang, C. (2012): Restructuring the Export-oriented Industrialization in the Pearl River Delta, China: Institutional Evolution and Emerging Tension. Applied Geography, 32 (1): 143-157.
- Yang, C. (2009): Strategic Coupling of Regional Development in Global Production Networks: Redistribution of Taiwanese Personal Computer Investment from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta. Regional Studies, 43(3): 385-407.
- Yeung, H. W-C. (2016): Strategic Coupling: Industrial Transformation in East Asia in the New Global Economy. Cornell University Press.
- Session (11. Januar 2018):
Evolution of Regional Innovation Systems in China: Emerging Indigenous Innovation in Shenzhen- Liefner, I. and Y.H.D. Wei (eds.). Innovation and Regional Development in China. London and New York: Routledge.
- Seamus, G. and Yang, C. (2017): From foreign technology dependence towards greater innovation autonomy: China’s integration into the information and communications technology (ICT) global value chain (GVC), Area Development and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/23792949.2017.1305870.
- Yang, C. (2015): Government Policy Change and Evolution of Regional Innovation Systems in China: Evidence from Strategic Emerging Industries in Shenzhen. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33(3): 661-682.
- Yang, C. (2014): State-led Technological Innovation of Domestic Firms in Shenzhen, China: Evidence from Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Industry. Cities, 38: 1-10.
- Zhou, Y., Lazonick, W. and Sun, Y. eds. (2016): China as an Innovation Nation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Session (12. Januar 2018):
Cross-border Regional Integration under “Two Systems”: the Greater Pearl River Delta Bay Area- Yang, C. and Li, S. M. (2013): Transformation of Cross-boundar Governance in the Greater Pearl River Delta, China: Contested Geopolitics and Emerging Conflicts. Habitat International, 40: 23-34.
- Yang, C. (2006): The Geopolitics of Cross-boundary Governance in the Greater Pearl River Delta, China: A Case Study of the Proposed Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. Political Geography, 25(7): 817-835.
- Yang, C. (2006): The Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong: An Evolving Cross-boundary Region under “One Country, Two Systems”. Habitat International, 30: 61-86.
- Yang, C. (2005): Multi-level Governance in the Cross-boundary Region of Hong Kong-Pearl River Delta, China. Environment and Planning A, 37 (12): 2147-2167.
- Yang, C. (2004): From Market-led to Institution-based Economic Integration: The Case of the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, China. Issues & Studies (A Social Quarterly on China, Taiwan and East Asian Affairs), 40(2): 78-119.