Prof. Ron Boschma ( Professor in regional economics), Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht (URU), Section of Economic Geography, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Programm und Ablauf des Seminars
07. - 11.11.2011 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr
- Session (07. November): Introduction to Evolutionary Economic Geography
- Boschma, R.A. and K. Frenken (2006): Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography, Journal of Economic Geography 6 (3), 273-302
- Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2006): Path dependence and regional economic evolution. Journal of Economic Geography, 6(4): 395–437.
- MacKinnon, D., Cumbers, A. Pyke, A., Birch, K., McMaster, R. (2009): Evolution in economic geography. Institutions, political economy and adaptation, Economic Geography, 85(2): 129–150.
- Boschma, R.A. and K. Frenken (2009): Some notes on institutions in evolutionary economic geography. Economic Geography 85 (2), 151-158.
- Boschma, R. and K. Frenken (2011): The emerging empirics of evolutionary economic geography, Journal of Economic Geography 11 (2), 295-307.
- Session (08. November): Spatial Evolution of Industries
- Audretsch, D. B. and M.P. Feldman (1996): Innovative clusters and the industry life cycle, Review of Industrial Organization 11, 253-273.
- Klepper, S. (2007): Disagreements, spinoffs and the evolution of Detroit as the capital of the U.S. automobile industry, Management Science 53 (4), 616-631.
- Boschma, R.A. & R. Wenting (2007): The spatial evolution of the British automobile industry: does location matter? Industrial and Corporate Change 16 (2), 213-238.
- Heebels, B. & R. Boschma (2011): Performing in Dutch book publishing 1880-2008. The importance of entrepreneurial experience and the Amsterdam cluster, Journal of Economic Geography 11, 1007-1029.
- Wenting, R. (2008), Spinoff dynamics and the spatial formation of the fashion design industry, 1858-2005, Journal of Economic Geography 8, 593–614.
- Session (09. November): Evolutionary Approach on Regional Development
- Storper, M. (1992): The limits to globalization: Technology districts and international trade, Economic Geography 68 (1) : 60-93.
- Menzel, M.P. and D. Fornahl (2010): Cluster life cycles: Dimensions and rationales of cluster evolution, Industrial and Corporate Change 19(1): 205-238.
- Frenken, K., Oort, F.G. van & Verburg, T. (2007): Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth. Regional Studies, 41(5), 685-697.
- Bathelt, H., Boggs, J.S. (2003): Towards a reconceptualization of regional development paths: Is Leipzig’s media cluster a continuation of or a rupture with the past? Economic Geography, 79: 265-293.
- Neffke, F., M. Henning and R. Boschma (2011): How do regions diversify over time? Industry relatedness and the development of new growth paths in regions, Economic Geography, 87 (3): 237-265.
- Session (10. November): Evolutionary Approach on Networks
- Wal, L.J. ter and Boschma, R.A. (2009): Applying social network analysis in economic geography: framing some key analytic issues. The Annals of Regional Science, 43(3), 739-756
- Giuliani, E. and Bell, M. (2005): The micro-determinants of meso-level learning and innovation: evidence from a Chilean wine cluster. Research Policy, 34(1): 47–68
- Agrawal A., Cockburn I. and McHale J. (2006): Gone but not forgotten: knowledge flows, labor mobility, and enduring social relationships, Journal of Economic Geography 6, 571-591.
- Boschma, R. and Frenken, K. (2010): The spatial evolution of innovation networks. A proximity perspective. In R. Boschma & R. Martin (Eds.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 120-135.
- Balland, P.A., M. De Vaan and R. Boschma (2011): The dynamics of interfirm networks along the industry life cycle. The case of the global video game industry 1987-2007, Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography, no. 11.14, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 27 pp.
- Session (11. November): Evolutionary Thinking and Regional Policy
- Todtling, F. and M. Trippl (2005): One size fits all? Towards a differentiated regional innovation policy approach, Research Policy, 34, 1203-1219.
- Hassink, R. (2005): How to unlock regional economies from path dependency? From learning region to learning cluster, European Planning Studies, 13 (4), 521-535.
- Boschma, R. (2011): Regional branching and regional innovation policy, in: K. Kourtit, P. Nijkamp and R. R. Stough (eds.), Drivers of innovation, entrepreneurship and regional dynamics, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 359-368.
- Frenken, K., Hoekman, J. & Oort, F.G. van (2007): Towards a European Research Area. Rotterdam: NAi Uitgevers/Ruimtelijk Planbureau.