Prof. Dr. Keun Lee, Economics Department, Seoul National University, Korea.
Programm und Ablauf des Seminars
02. - 06.11.2009 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr
- Session (02. November): Economics of Catch-up: Why we need it and What it is. Catching-up and Importance of Innovation
- Lee, Keun, and John Mathews (2008): “Successive Upgrading in the Same Industry and Entries into New Industries for Sustained Growth: Firms from Korea and Taiwan,” paper presented at the workshop on “Catch-up and Innovative Firms,” held in Mexico city, September 21-23.
- Lee, Keun (2009): How Can Korea be a Role Model for Catch-up Development?: A ‘Capability-based View’, WIDER Research Paper, 2009/34.
- Lee, Keun, and B.Y Kim: "Both Institutions and Policies Matter but differently at different income levels: determinants of long run economic growth revisited," World Development.
- Lee, Keun (2008): “Thirty Years of Catch-up in China: A comparison with Korea,” Paper presented at the 30 Year Anniversary Conference of China’s Reform, hosted by the Peiking Univ. and the ADB, held in Beijing.
- Lee, Keun (2005): "Making a Technological Catch-up: Barriers and Opportunities," Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, vol. 13: 2: 97-131.
- Session (03. November): Catching-up and Innovation at the sector level 1: The SSI (sectoral systems of innovation) and qualitative studies from Asia
- Lee, Keun & Chai-sung Lim (2001): "Technological Regimes, Catch-up and Leapfrogging: Findings from the Korean Industries," Research Policy.
- Lee, Keun, C. Lim, and W. Song (2005): "Emerging Digital Technology as a Window of Opportunity and Technological Leapfrogging: Catch-up in Digital TV by the Korean Firms", International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 29, No. 1-2, 40-63.
- Mu, Qing, and Keun Lee (2005): "Knowledge diffusion, market segmentation and technological catch-up: The case of the telecommunication industry in China," Research Policy.
- Kim, Yoon-zi Kim, and Keun Lee (2008): “Making a Technological Catch-up in the Capital Goods Industry: Barriers and Opportunities in the Korean Case,” Global Economic Review June 2008.
- Lee, Keun, Sung Chai Cho, and Jia Jin (2009): ”Dynamics of catch-up in China's automobile and mobile phone industries,” China Economic Journal.
- Lee, Keun, S. Mani, and Qing Mu (2008): “Explaining variations in the Telecom Sectors in China, India, Brazil and Korea,” Paper presented at the 2008 Globelics Conference in Mexico city, forthcoming in Malerba and Nelson ed. SSI and Catch-up.
- Session (04. November):
Catching-up and Innovation at the sector level 2: Quantitative studies using the Asian data- Jung, Moosup and Keun Lee (2008): “Sectoral System of Innovations and Korean firms’ Productivity Catch-up with the Japanese firms,” paper presented at the 2008 Asialics Conference held in Bangalore.
- Park, Kyooho, and Keun Lee (2006): "Linking Technological Regimes and Technological Catch-up: Analysis of Korea and Taiwan using the US patent data," Industrial and Corporate Change 16: 4.
- Lee, Keun (2005):"Measuring Innovations: Applications to Health Products" Presentation at the Bellagio Conference on Innovation Systems Theory -- Application to Diseases of the Poor, April 25-29.
- Lee, Keun, and M. Yoon: “International, Intra-national and inter-firm Knowledge diffusion and tech. Catch-up: The US, Japan, Korea and Taiwan in semi-conductor industry,” forthcoming in Technology Analysis and strategic management.
- Jung, Moosup, Lee, Keun and Fukao, Kyoji (2008): “Total Factor Productivity of Korean Firms and Catching-up with the Japanese firms” Seoul Journal of Economics.
- Session (05. November):
Catching-up and innovation at the firm level: The role of business groups in Asian Growth- Lee, Keun, and Xiyou He (2009): "Capability of the Samsung Group in Project Execution and Vertical Integration: Created in Korea and Replicated in China" Asian Business & Management, ( vol 8, no 3).
- Choo, Kineung, Keun Lee, Keunkwan Ryu and J. Yoon (2009): “Performance Change of the Business Groups in Korea Over Two decades: Investment Inefficiency and technological capabilities” Economic Development and Cultural Chang, 57 (2): 359-86.
- Joo, Sihyung, and Keun Lee: “ Samsung’s Catching up with Sony: A patent analysis,” forthcoming in Journal of Asia-Pacific Economy.
- Kim, Chang-Wook, and Keun Lee (2003): "Innovation, Technological Regimes and Organizational Selection in Industry Evolution: A "History Friendly Model" of the DRAM industry, Industrial and Corporate Change vol 12, no. 5.
- Park, Jonghoon, and Keun Lee (2009): Diverse Catching-up Strategies under different Market Regimes, Paper presented at the 2009 Asialics held in Hong Kong.
- Session (06. November):
From the Washington consensus to the BeST (Beijing-Seoul-Tokyo) consensus for world development- Lee, Keun, M. Jee, and J. Eun (2006): "China's Economic Catch-up: Washington Consensus, East Asian Consensus, and Beijing Consensus," Paper Presented at the World Forum on China Studies, Shanghai.
- Keun Lee and Kim, Yeekyung (2009): "IPRs and Technological Catchup in Korea,” paper for the catch-up project.”
- Lee, Keun, and John A. Mathews (2008):. From the Washington Consensus to the Best Consensus : A New Path for Sustained Economic Growth, Paper presented at the Plenary Session of the Globelics Conference, held in September 20-22, 2009 Mexico City.
- Lee, Keun (2006): The Washington Consensus and East Asian Sequencing: Understanding Reform in East and South Asia, in J. Fanelli and G. McMahon (eds) Understanding Market Reforms Vol. 2: Palgrave.