Prof. Dr. Frank van Oort, Institute for Spatial Research RPB, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Programm und Ablauf des Seminars
18. - 22.06.2007 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr
- Session (18. June): Scale and Scope Effects of Agglomeration Economies
- Duranton, G. & D. Puga (2000): “Diversity and specialisation in cities: why, where and when does it matter?” Urban Studies 37, pp. 533-555.
- Van Oort, F.G. (2007): “Spatial and sectoral composition effects of agglomeration economies in the Netherlands”. Papers in Regional Science 86, 5-30.
- Rosenthal, S.S. & W.C. Strange (2003): ‘Geography, Industrial Organization, and Agglomeration’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85(2), pp. 377-393.
- Session (19. June): The Knowledge Economy and Urban Economic Growth
- Hall, P. (2000): “Creative cities and economic development”. Urban Studies 37, pp. 639-649.
- Maskell, P. (2001): “Towards a knowledge-based theory of the geographical cluster”. Industrial and Corporate Change 10, pp. 921-943.
- Raspe, O. & F.G. van Oort (2006): “The knowledge economy and urban economic growth”. European Planning Studies 14, pp. 1209-1234.
- Session (20. June): The Geography of Research Collaboration and Innovation Networks in Europe
- Bathelt, H., A. Malmberg & P. Maskell (2004): Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation. Progress in Human Geography 28, pp. 31-49.
- Maggioni, M.A. & T.E. Uberti (2005): “International networks of knowledge flows: an econometric analysis”. Papers on Economics and Evolution #0519, Max Planck Institute, Jena. 30p.
- Moreno, R., R. Paci & S. Usai (2005): “Spatial spillovers and innovation activity in European regions”. Environment & Planning A 37, pp. 1793-1812.
- Ponds, R., F. van Oort & K. Frenken (2006): “The geographical and institutional proximity of scientific collaboration networks”. Working paper, Utrecht University.
- Session (21. June): Interfirm Relations and Economic Clustering in Urban Networks
- Batten, D.F. (1995): “Network cities: creative urban agglomerations for the 21st century”. Urban Studies 32, 313-327.
- Meijers, E. (2005): “Polycentric urban regions and the quest for synergy: is a network of cities more than the sum of the parts?” Urban Studies 42, pp. 765-781.
- Van Oort, F.G., M.J. Burger & O. Raspe (2007): “Inter-firm relations and economic clustering in the Dutch Randstad region”. Working paper, Utrecht University.
- Session (22. June): Intrametropolitan Employment and Population Dynamics
- Boarnet, M.C. (1994): The monocentric model and employment location, Journal of Urban Economics 36, pp. 79-97.
- Carlino, G.A. & E.S. Mills (1987): The determinants of country growth, Journal of Regional Science 27, pp. 39-54.
- Steinnes, D.N. (1977): 'Do people follow jobs' or 'do jobs follow people'? A causality issue in urban economics, Journal of Urban Economics 4, pp. 69-79.