Dr. Edward J. Feser, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Urban & Regional Planning University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Programm und Ablauf des Seminars
09. - 13.01.2006 jeweils von 16:00-19:00 Uhr
- Session (09. Januar): A working definition; Porter’s model; Theoretical antecedents; Analytical approaches; Policy approaches; Next sessions.
- Session (10. Januar): From concept to measurement; ICS Cluster Mapping Project; Benchmark value chain clusters; Example applications.
- Session (11. Januar): Labor clusters; Exercise; Labor vs. value chain clusters; Cluster geography.
- Session (12. Januar): Concepts; Analysis pre-requisites; Meaning of concentration; Methods.
- Session (13. Januar): The current context; Reviews of industry cluster initiatives; Two implications of Porter’s model.
Die mit (!) gekennzeichneten Artikel haben Priorität.
- Grundlagen:
- Porter, Michael E. (1998): "Clusters and the new economics of competition," Harvard Business Review, 77-90 (!)
- Martin, Ron and Peter Sunley (2003): "Deconstructing clusters: Chaotic concept or policy panacea?," Journal of Economic Geography, 3, 5-35 (!)
- Feser, Edward J. (1998): "Old and new theories of industry clusters," in M. Steiner, Clusters and Regional Specialisation, 18-40. London: Pion
- Maskell, Peter and Leïla Kebir (2005): What qualifies as a cluster theory? Frederiksberg, Denmark, Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics. DRUID Working Paper No. 05-09
- Gordon, Ian R and P McCann (2000): "Industrial clusters: Complexes, agglomeration and/or social networks?," Urban Studies, 37, 513-32
- Fragen der Identifikation und Messung von Clustern:
- Feser, Edward J and Edward M Bergman (2000): "National industry cluster templates: A framework for applied regional cluster analysis," Regional Studies, 34, 1-19 (!)
- Porter, Michael E. (2003): "The economic performance of regions," Regional Studies, 37, 549-78 (!)
- Wolfe, David A and Meric S Gertler (2004): "Clusters from the inside and out: Local dynamics and global linkages," Urban Studies, 41, 1071-93
- Feser, Edward (2003): "What regions do rather than make: A proposed set of knowledgebased occupation clusters," Urban Studies, 40, 1937-58
- Feser, Edward (2005): Benchmark value chain industry clusters for applied regional research. Working paper, Regional Economics Applications Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Hill, Edward W and John F. Brennan (2000): "A methodology for identifying the drivers of industrial clusters: The foundation of regional competitive advantage," Economic Development Quarterly, 14, 65-96
- Quantitative Analyse der Clustergeographie:
- Feser, Edward J. and Stuart H. Sweeney (2000): "A test for the coincident economic and spatial clustering of business enterprises," Journal of Geographical Systems, 2, 349-73 (!)
- Feser, Edward J, Stuart H Sweeney and Henry C Renski (2005): "A descriptive analysis of discrete U.S. industrial complexes," Journal of Regional Science, 45, 395-419 (!)
- Sohn, Jungyul (2004): "Do birds of a feather flock together?: Economic linkage and geographic proximity," Annals of Regional Science, 38, 47-73
- Clusterentstehung und -zyklen:
- Chapman, Keith (2005): "From 'growth centre' to 'cluster': restructuring, regional development, and the Teesside chemical industry," Environment and Planning A, 37, 597-615 (!)
- Dalum, Bent, Christian Ø.R. Pedersen and Gert Villumsen (2005): "Technological lifecycles: Lessons from a cluster facing disruption," European Urban and Regional Studies, 12, 229-46
- Tödtling, Franz and Michaela Trippl (2004): "Like Phoenix from the ashes? The renewal of clusters in old industrial areas," Urban Studies, 41, 1175-95
- Clusterpolitik:
- Feser, Edward (2005): On building clusters versus leveraging synergies in the design of innovation policy for developing economies. Champaign, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (!)
- Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina and Günter Eisebith (2005): "How to institutionalize innovative clusters? Comparing explicit top-down and implicit bottom-up approaches," Research Policy, 34, 1250-68 (!)
- Feser, Edward and Michael Luger (2003): "Cluster analysis as a mode of inquiry: Its use in science and technology policymaking in North Carolina," European Planning Studies, 11, 11-24